James Bradley
1963 / Bradley's Model of Aberration / H. R. Calvert / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 (1963) p. 53 [lien]
1963 / Bradley, James (obituary) / / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 (1963) p. 38 [lien]
1963 / Bradley, James; Third Astronomer Royal / Sir Richard Woolley / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 (1963) p. 47 [lien]
1982 / James Bradley and the Eighteenth Century 'Gap' in Attempts to Measure Annual Stellar Parallax / Mari Williams / Notes and Records 37 (1982) p. 83 [doi]
1993 / Pure Research and Practical Teaching: The Astronomical Career of James Bradley, 1693-1762 / Allan Chapman / Notes and Records 47 (1993) p. 205 [doi]
1996 / Two Revolutions in Astronomy / Freeman J. Dyson / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 140 (1996) p. 1 [lien]