aberration stellaire
1931 / Discovery of the Aberration of Light / James Bradley ; Edmond Halley ; George Sarton / Isis 16 (1931) p. 233 [lien]
1963 / Bradley's Model of Aberration / H. R. Calvert / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 (1963) p. 53 [lien]
1963 / Significance of the Discovery of Aberration / W. H. McCrea / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 (1963) p. 41 [lien]
1963 / The discovery of Aberration / D. E. Blackwell / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 4 (1963) p. 44 [lien]
1972 / George Gabriel Stokes on Stellar Aberration and the Luminiferous Ether / David B. Wilson / The British Journal for the History of Science 6 (1972) p. 57 [doi]
1977 / [Notes and Discussions] Stellar aberration and the hodograph for the Kepler problem / Peter D. Noerdlinger / American Journal of Physics 45 (1977) p. 1229 [doi]
1989 / Relativity and aberration / Thomas E. Phipps, Jr. / American Journal of Physics 57 (1989) p. 549 [doi]
1998 / L'histoire de la vitesse de la lumière / Robert Garnier ; Georges Paturel / Cahiers Clairaut 83 (1998) p. 28 [lien]
2002 / [Présence de l'histoire] L'aberration stellaire / Roland Lehoucq ; Denis Savoie / Pour la Science 299 (2002) p. 20 [lien]
2009 / The Search for Stellar Parallaxes and the Discovery of the Aberration of Light: The Observational Proofs of the Earth's Revolution, Eustachio Manfredi, and the "Bologna Case" / Andrea Gualandi ; Fabrizio Bònoli / Journal for the History of Astronomy 40 (2009) p. 155 [lien]
2010 / Conjectures and reputations: The composition and reception of James Bradley's paper on the aberration of light with some reference to a third unpublished version
/ John Fischer / The British Journal for the History of Science 43 (2010) p. 19 [doi]