étoile à neutrons
1969 / Highly Condensed Objects / Fred Hoyle / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 10 (1969) p. 10 [lien]
1970 / Neutron Stars / A. G. W. Cameron / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 8 (1970) p. 179 [doi]
1975 / Neutron Stars / Gordon Baym ; Christopher Pethick / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 25 (1975) p. 27 [doi]
1978 / Masses of Neutron Stars and Black Holes in X-Ray Binaries / John N. Bahcall / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 16 (1978) p. 241 [doi]
1979 / Physics of Neutron Stars / Gordon Baym ; Christopher Pethick / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 17 (1979) p. 415 [doi]
1982 / Exemples de matières dégénérées en astrophysique : Naines blanches et étoiles à neutrons / Lucette Bottinelli / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 76 (1982) p. 967 [lien]
1984 / Neutron Stars in Interacting Binary Systems / Paul C. Joss ; Saul A. Rappaport / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 22 (1984) p. 537 [doi]
1987 / The Birth of Neutron Stars and Black Holes / Adam Burrows / Physics Today 40 (1987) p. 28 [doi]
1990 / The Origin of Neutron Stars in Binary Systems / Ramon Canal ; Jordi Isern ; Javier Labay / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 28 (1990) p. 183 [doi]
1992 / Cooling of neutron stars / C. J. Pethick / Reviews of Modern Physics 64 (1992) p. 1133 [doi]
1992 / Magnetic Fields of Degenerate Stars / G. Chanmugam / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 30 (1992) p. 143 [doi]
1993 / Visual distortions near a neutron star and black hole / Robert J. Nemiroff / American Journal of Physics 61 (1993) p. 619 [doi]
1993 / [Colloquium] From deuterons to neutron stars: variations in nuclear many-body theory / R. B. Wiringa / Reviews of Modern Physics 65 (1993) p. 231 [doi]
1995 / Les systèmes doubles d'étoiles à neutrons / Tsvi Piran / Pour la Science 213 (1995) p. 44
1995 / Matter at Large Neutron Excess and the Physics of Neutron-Star Crusts / C. J. Pethick ; D. G. Ravenhall / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 45 (1995) p. 429 [doi]
1997 / Composition and structure of protoneutron stars / Madappa Prakash ; Ignazio Bombaci ; Manju Prakash ; Paul J. Ellis ; James M. Lattimer ; Roland Knorren / Physics Reports 280 (1997) p. 1 [doi]
1998 / Thermal properties and detectability of neutron stars. II. Thermal evolution of rotation-powered neutron stars / Sachiko Tsuruta / Physics Reports 292 (1998) p. 1 [doi]
1999 / Electrodynamics of neutron stars / F.Curtis Michela ; Hui Li / Physics Reports 318 (1999) p. 227 [doi]
1999 / New Views of Neutron Stars / Lars Bildsten ; Tod Strohmayer / Physics Today 52 (1999) p. 40 [doi]
2000 / Nuclear matter and its role in supernovae, neutron stars and compact object binary mergers / James M. Lattimer ; Madappa Prakash / Physics Reports 333 (2000) p. 121 [doi]
2000 / Phases of dense matter in neutron stars / Henning Heiselberg ; Morten Hjorth-Jensen / Physics Reports 328 (2000) p. 237 [doi]
2000 / Recent progress in neutron star theory / Henning Heiselberg ; Vijay Pandharipande / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 50 (2000) p. 481 [doi]
2001 / Color-superconducting quark matter / Mark Alford / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 51 (2001) p. 131 [doi]
2001 / Matter in strong magnetic fields / Dong Lai / Reviews of Modern Physics 73 (2001) p. 629 [doi]
2001 / Neutrino emission from neutron stars / D.G. Yakovlev ; A.D. Kaminker ; O.Y. Gnedin ; P. Haensel / Physics Reports 354 (2001) p. 1 [doi]
2001 / Phase transitions and crystalline structures in neutron star cores / Norman K. Glendenning / Physics Reports 342 (2001) p. 393 [doi]
2002 / The evolution and explosion of massive stars / S. E. Woosley ; A. Heger ; T. A. Weaver / Reviews of Modern Physics 74 (2002) p. 1015 [doi]
2003 / Les étoiles à neutrons / Jérôme Novak / Pour la Science 311 (2003) p. 32 [lien]
2004 / Neutron Star Cooling / D.G. Yakovlev ; C.J. Pethick / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 42 (2004) p. 169 [doi]
2004 / Neutron stars for undergraduates / Richard R. Silbar ; Sanjay Reddy / American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) p. 892 [doi]
2005 / Des neutrons dans les étoiles / / Élémentaire 2 (2005) p. 39 [lien]
2005 / Isospin asymmetry in nuclei and neutron stars / A.W. Steiner ; M. Prakash ; J.M. Lattimer ; P.J. Ellis / Physics Reports 411 (2005) p. 325 [doi]
2005 / [Search and Discovery] Record Gamma-Ray Flare Is Attributed to a Hypermagnetized Neutron Star in Our Galaxy / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 19 [doi]
2006 / Ultracompact Binary Stars / Gijs Nelemans / Physics Today 59 (2006) p. 26 [doi]
2007 / Neutron star observations: Prognosis for equation of state constraints / James M. Lattimer ; Madappa Prakash / Physics Reports 442 (2007) p. 109 [doi]
2008 / Physics of Neutron Star Crusts / Nicolas Chamel ; Pawel Haensel / Living Reviews in Relativity 11 (2008) p. 1 [doi]
2008 / Recent developments on kaon condensation and its astrophysical implications / Gerald E. Brown ; Chang-Hwan Lee ; Mannque Rho / Physics Reports 462 (2008) p. 1 [doi]
2009 / [Colloquium] Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter / P. Braun-Munzinger ; J. Wambach / Reviews of Modern Physics 81 (2009) p. 1031 [doi]
2011 / [Search and Discovery] The largest neutron-star mass yet recorded has broad implications / Bertram M. Schwarzschild / Physics Today 64 (2011) p. 12 [doi]
2012 / The Nuclear Equation of State and Neutron Star Masses / James M. Lattimer / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 62 (2012) p. 485 [doi]
2014 / Crystalline color superconductors / Roberto Anglani ; Roberto Casalbuoni ; Marco Ciminale ; Nicola Ippolito ; Raoul Gatto ; Massimo Mannarelli ; Marco Ruggieri / Reviews of Modern Physics 86 (2014) p. 509 [doi]