rayonnement de fond cosmologique (CMB)
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1979 / [Nobel Lecture] The cosmic microwave background radiation / R. W. Wilson / Reviews of Modern Physics 51 (1979) p. 433 [doi]
1979 / [Nobel Lecture] The origin of the elements / Arno A. Penzias / Reviews of Modern Physics 51 (1979) p. 425 [doi]
1980 / Measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation / Rainer Weiss / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 18 (1980) p. 489 [doi]
1980 / Microwave Background Radiation as a Probe of the Contemporary Structure and History of the Universe / R. A. Sunyaev ; Ya. B. Zel'dovich / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 18 (1980) p. 537 [doi]
1988 / The cosmic microwave background - Probe of the early universe / R. D. Davies / Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 29 (1988) p. 443 [lien]
1988 / [Search and Discovery] Short-Wavelength Distortions Seen in the Cosmic Background Radiation / Per H. Andersen / Physics Today 41 (1988) p. 17 [doi]
1990 / La recherche des rayonnements cosmiques / Samuel Gulkis ; Philip Lubin ; Stephan Meyer ; Robert Silverberg / Pour la Science 149 (1990) p. 80
1990 / Le fond diffus cosmologique / Nicola Vittorio ; Marc Lachièze-Rey / La Recherche 227 (1990) p. 1468
1990 / [Search and Discovery] COBE Photographs the Milky Way in Infrared / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 19 [doi]
1990 / [Search and Discovery] COBE Satellite Finds No Hint of Excess in The Cosmic Microwave Spectrum / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 17 [doi]
1991 / [Présence de l'histoire] La première mesure du rayonnement thermique cosmologique / Lucienne Gouguenheim / Pour la Science 165 (1991) p. 10
1992 / Le rayonnement thermique cosmologique / Robert Signore / Pour la Science 171 (1992) p. 6
1992 / Les grumeaux du Big Bang / Fabienne Casoli / La Recherche 246 (1992) p. 1054
1992 / Observations of the Isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation / Anthony C. S. Readhead ; Charles R. Lawrence / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 30 (1992) p. 653 [doi]
1992 / [New Problems] Cosmic background radiation / Robert Ehrlich / American Journal of Physics 60 (1992) p. 565 [doi]
1992 / [Search and Discovery] COBE Measures Anisotropy in Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 45 (1992) p. 17 [doi]
1994 / Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background / Martin White ; Douglas Scott ; Joseph Silk / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 32 (1994) p. 319 [doi]
1997 / The Cosmic Rosetta Stone / Charles L. Bennett ; Michael S. Turner ; Martin White / Physics Today 50 (1997) p. 32 [doi]
1998 / The Cosmic Microwave Background / Aled Jones ; Anthony N. Lasenby / Living Reviews in Relativity 1 (1998) p. 1 [doi]
1999 / Cosmic microwave background radiation / Lyman Page ; David Wilkinson / Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999) p. 173 [doi]
1999 / The cosmic microwave background and particle physics / Marc Kamionkowski ; Arthur Kosowsky / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 49 (1999) p. 77 [doi]
2000 / CMB anisotropy experiments / George F. Smoot / Physics Reports 333 (2000) p. 269 [doi]
2000 / The cosmic microwave background radiation / Eric Gawiser ; Joseph Silk / Physics Reports 333 (2000) p. 245 [doi]
2000 / Une signature pour le Big Bang ? / / Ciel et Espace 367 (2000) p. 48
2000 / [Search and Discovery] Balloon Measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background Strongly Favor a Flat Cosmos / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 17 [doi]
2001 / Cartographe cosmique / Charles Bennett ; Gary Hinshaw ; Lyman Page / Pour la Science 281 (2001) p. 42 [lien]
2001 / Les échos du Big Bang / Robert Caldwell ; Marc Kamionkowski / Pour la Science 281 (2001) p. 36 [lien]
2001 / [Search and Discovery] Cosmic Microwave Observations Yield More Evidence of Primordial Inflation / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 54 (2001) p. 16 [doi]
2002 / Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies / Wayne Hu ; Scott Dodelson / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 40 (2002) p. 171 [doi]
2002 / Topology and the cosmic microwave background / Janna Levin / Physics Reports 365 (2002) p. 251 [doi]
2002 / [Resource Letter] TACMB-1: The theory of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background / Martin White ; J. D. Cohn / American Journal of Physics 70 (2002) p. 106 [doi]
2002 / [Search and Discovery] Observing the Cosmic Microwave Background at High Resolution Bolsters the Inflationary Big Bang Scenario / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 55 (2002) p. 18 [doi]
2003 / Le rayonnement fossile / Simon Prunet ; François Bouchet / Pour la Science 308 (2003) p. 44 [lien]
2003 / [Search and Discovery] WMAP Spacecraft Maps the Entire Cosmic Microwave Sky With Unprecedented Precision / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 56 (2003) p. 21 [doi]
2006 / Petite crise de froid pour l'Univers primordial / David Fossé / Ciel et Espace 435 (2006) p. 36
2006 / Weak gravitational lensing of the CMB / Antony Lewis ; Anthony Challinor / Physics Reports 429 (2006) p. 1 [doi]
2006 / [Search and Discovery] Mather and Smoot Share Nobel Physics Prize for Measuring the Cosmic Microwave Background / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 59 (2006) p. 18 [doi]
2006 / [Search and Discovery] New Cosmic Microwave Background Results Strengthen the Case for Inflationary Big Bang Cosmology / Bertram Schwarzschild / Physics Today 59 (2006) p. 16 [doi]
2007 / The Cosmic Microwave Background for Pedestrians: A Review for Particle and Nuclear Physicists / Dorothea Samtleben ; Suzanne Staggs ; Bruce Winstein / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 57 (2007) p. 245 [doi]
2007 / [Nobel Lecture] Cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropies: Their discovery and utilization / George F. Smoot / Reviews of Modern Physics 79 (2007) p. 1349 [doi]
2007 / [Nobel Lecture] From the Big Bang to the Nobel Prize and beyond / John C. Mather / Reviews of Modern Physics 79 (2007) p. 1331 [doi]
2009 / 6,77 degrés en 12 milliards d'années / Patrick Petitjean / Les Dossiers de La Recherche 35 (2009) p. 53
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2011 / [Search and Discovery] High-resolution data demonstrate gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background / Johanna L. Miller / Physics Today 64 (2011) p. 14 [doi]
2012 / Ralph A. Alpher, Robert C. Herman, and the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation / Victor S. Alpher / Physics in Perspective 14 (2012) p. 300 [doi]
2013 / Planck, géomètre de l'Univers primordial / Alain Riazuelo / Pour la Science 427 (2013) p. 44 [lien]
2015 / Particle physics and the cosmic microwave background / John Carlstrom ; Tom Crawford ; Lloyd Knox / Physics Today 68 (2015) p. 28 [doi]