Niels Bohr
1970 / The First Phase of the Bohr-Einstein Dialogue / Martin J. Klein / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 2 (1970) p. 1 [doi]
1971 / The Impact of the Neutron: Bohr and Heisenberg / Joan Bromberg / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 3 (1971) p. 307 [doi]
1979 / Niels Bohr's Second Atomic Theory / Helge Kragh / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 10 (1979) p. 123 [doi]
1981 / Bohr-Kramers-Slater: A Virtual Theory of Virtual Oscillators and Its Role in the History of Quantum Mechanics / John Hendry / Centaurus 25 (1981) p. 189 [doi]
1982 / The transcendental philosophy of Niels Bohr / John Honner / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 13 (1982) p. 1 [doi]
1985 / Bohr entre Einstein et Dirac / Françoise Balibar / Revue d'histoire des sciences 38 (1985) p. 293 [doi]
1985 / Bohr et la complémentarité / Michel Blay / Revue d'histoire des sciences 38 (1985) p. 193 [doi]
1985 / Bohr's First Theories of the Atom / John L. Heilbron / Physics Today 38 (1985) p. 28 [doi]
1985 / Bringing the News of Fission to America / Roger H. Stuewer / Physics Today 38 (1985) p. 48 [doi]
1985 / L'évolution de la complémentarité dans les textes de Bohr (1927-1939) / Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent / Revue d'histoire des sciences 38 (1985) p. 231 [doi]
1985 / Niels Bohr as Fund Raiser / Finn Aaserud / Physics Today 38 (1985) p. 38 [doi]
1985 / Niels Bohr, the Man / John Archibald Wheeler / Physics Today 38 (1985) p. 66 [doi]
1987 / Einstein, Bohr, and Creative Thinking in Science / A. Rothenberg / History of Science 25 (1987) p. 147 [lien]
1988 / Rutherford and Bohr / Rudolf Peierls / Notes and Records 42 (1988) p. 229 [doi]
1988 / The Pragmatic Humanism of Bohr, Einstein and Sakharov / Robert E. Marshak / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 132 (1988) p. 268 [lien]
1995 / Bohr a-t-il divulgué des secrets nucléaires ? / Hans Bethe ; Kurt Gottfried ; Roald Sagdeev / Pour la Science 213 (1995) p. 80
1995 / Niels Bohr and the construction of a new philosophy / Henry J. Folse / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 26 (1995) p. 107 [doi]
1997 / [Reminiscences and Discoveries] The Crocodile and the Elephant / A. R. Mackintosh / Notes and Records 51 (1997) p. 309 [doi]
2000 / A Historical Perspective on Copenhagen / David C. Cassidy / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 28 [doi]
2005 / The Influence of Niels Bohr on Max Delbrück : Revisiting the Hopes Inspired by “Light and Life” / Daniel J. McKaughan / Isis 96 (2005) p. 507 [doi]
2006 / Schrödinger's interpretation of quantum mechanics and the relevance of Bohr's experimental critique / Slobodan Perovic / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 37 (2006) p. 275 [doi]
2007 / Bohr, Heisenberg and the divergent views of complementarity / Kristian Camilleri / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 38 (2007) p. 514 [doi]
2008 / Paul Dirac and the Einstein-Bohr Debate / Alisa Bokulich / Perspectives on Science 16 (2008) p. 103 [doi]
2008 / [numéro spécial] Niels Bohr : À l’aube de la physique atomique / / Les genies de la science (pour la Science) 34 (2008) p. 0
2010 / Paul Ehrenfest, Niels Bohr, and Albert Einstein: Colleagues and Friends / Martin J. Klein / Physics in Perspective 12 (2010) p. 307 [doi]
2013 / Niels Bohr between physics and chemistry / Helge Kragh / Physics Today 66 (2013) p. 36 [doi]
2014 / Bohr's way to defining complementarity / Alberto De Gregorio / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 45 (2014) p. 72 [doi]
2014 / Correspondence principle versus Planck-type theory of the atom / Sandro Petruccioli / Archive for history of exact sciences 68 (2014) p. 599 [doi]