Nicolas Copernic
1936 / The Scientific Value of the Copernican Induction / Benjamin Ginzburg / Osiris 1 (1936) p. 303 [lien]
1937 / The Commentariolus of Copernicus / Edward Rosen / Osiris 3 (1937) p. 123 [lien]
1940 / Copernicus and Mechanics / Edgar Zilsel / Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1940) p. 113 [doi]
1943 / The Authentic Title of Copernicus's Major Work / Edward Rosen / Journal of the History of Ideas 4 (1943) p. 457 [lien]
1955 / Copernicus on the Evils of Inflation and the Establishment of A Sound Currency / J. Taylor / Journal of the History of Ideas 16 (1955) p. 540 [lien]
1958 / Galileo's Misstatements about Copernicus / Edward Rosen / Isis 49 (1958) p. 319 [lien]
1960 / Copernicus Was Not a Priest / Edward Rosen / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 104 (1960) p. 635 [lien]
1969 / The 1717 Egyptian years and the Copernican theory of precession / Kristian Peder Moesgaard / Centaurus 13 (1969) p. 120 [doi]
1971 / Copernicus' Attitude Toward the Common People / Edward Rosen / Journal of the History of Ideas 32 (1971) p. 281 [lien]
1973 / Copernicus and His Prescient Revolution / V. V. Raman / American Journal of Physics 41 (1973) p. 1341 [doi]
1973 / Copernicus, the Man, the Work, and Its History / Willy Hartner / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 117 (1973) p. 413 [lien]
1973 / On Recent Copernicana / William D. Stahlman / Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (1973) p. 483 [lien]
1973 / The Derivation and First Draft of Copernicus's Planetary Theory: A Translation of the Commentariolus with Commentary / Noel M. Swerdlow / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 117 (1973) p. 423 [lien]
1973 / The Symbolic Meaning of Copernicus' Seal / Stanislaw Mossakowski / Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (1973) p. 451 [lien]
1974 / Nouvelles recherches sur la biographie de Nicolas Copernic / Marian Biskup / Revue d'histoire des sciences 27 (1974) p. 289 [doi]
1974 / Studia Copernicana: Complete Works of Nicholas Copernicus by Nicholas Copernicus / Edward Rosen / Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (1974) p. 521 [lien]
1977 / Copernicus in the Hebraic Literature from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century / André Neher / Journal of the History of Ideas 38 (1977) p. 211 [lien]
1981 / La cosmologie de Copernic et les origines de la physique mathématique / Pierre Kerszberg / Revue d'histoire des sciences 34 (1981) p. 3 [doi]
1984 / Descartes's Comparisons: From the Invisible to the Visible / Peter Galison / Isis 75 (1984) p. 311 [lien]
1985 / Did Copernicus Owe a Debt to Aristarchus / O. Gingerich / Journal for the History of Astronomy 16 (1985) p. 37 [lien]
1994 / Historical Perspectives on Copernicus's Account of Precession / Bernard R. Goldstein / Journal for the History of Astronomy 25 (1994) p. 189 [lien]
1997 / [numéro spécial] / / Cahiers de Science et Vie 39 (1997) p. 0
1998 / Determination of the Sun's Orbit / Y. Maeyama / Archive for history of exact sciences 53 (1998) p. 1 [doi]
1998 / Une journée dans la vie de Nicolas Copernic / Jean-Marie Vigoureux / Ciel et Espace 340 (1998) p. 70
1999 / Copernicus and the Critics of Ptolemy / Peter Barker / Journal for the History of Astronomy 30 (1999) p. 343 [lien]
2001 / Animism and Empiricism: Copernican Physics and the Origins of William Gilbert's Experimental Method / John Henry / Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2001) p. 99 [lien]
2001 / Lecture de Copernic / Pierre Lerich / Cahiers Clairaut 93 (2001) p. 23 [lien]
2001 / Notes on Copernicus's early heliocentrism / Jerzy Dobrzycki / Journal for the History of Astronomy 32 (2001) p. 223 [lien]
2001 / Notes sur le « commentariolus » / Pierre Lerich / Cahiers Clairaut 95 (2001) p. 6 [lien]
2002 / Nicolas Copernic / Christian Scotta / Cahiers Clairaut 98 (2002) p. 30 [lien]
2002 / Nicolas Copernic / Christian Scotta / Cahiers Clairaut 99 (2002) p. 11 [lien]
2004 / Aristotle, Copernicus, Bruno: centrality, the principle of movement and the extension of the Universe / Miguel A. Granada / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (2004) p. 91 [doi]
2005 / Copernicus's Path to His Cosmology: An Attempted Reconstruction / Martin Clutton-Brock / Journal for the History of Astronomy 36 (2005) p. 197 [lien]
2006 / [Histoire] On a retrouvé Copernic / Azar Khalatbari / Ciel et Espace 428 (2006) p. 58
2007 / Copernicus and his Islamic Predecessors: Some Historical Remarks / F. J. Ragep / History of Science 45 (2007) p. 65 [lien]
2008 / À la recherche du De Revolutionibus / David Fossé / Ciel et Espace 456 (2008) p. 62
2012 / Copernic, disciple du quattrocento / Bernard Maitte / Ciel et Espace 502 (2012) p. 56