Ludwig Boltzmann
1983 / Ludwig Boltzmann and his influence on science / D. Flamm / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 14 (1983) p. 255 [doi]
1990 / Boltzmann and Hertz on the Bild-conception of Physical Theory / S. D'Agostino / History of Science 28 (1990) p. 380 [lien]
1990 / Boltzmann's probability distribution of 1877 / Alexander Bach / Archive for history of exact sciences 41 (1990) p. 1 [doi]
1993 / Boltzmann's Entropy and Time's Arrow / Joel L. Lebowitz / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 32 [doi]
2007 / In Memoriam Ludwig Boltzmann: A Life of Passion / Wolfgang L. Reiter / Physics in Perspective 9 (2007) p. 357 [doi]
2007 / Ludwig Boltzmann - les théories physiques et les atomes / Anouk Barberousse / Images de la Physique 0 (2007) p. 11 [doi]
2009 / Boltzmann and the Art of Flying / Silvio R. Dahmen / Physics in Perspective 11 (2009) p. 244 [doi]
2010 / Boltzmann et l'irréversibilité, une histoire de probabilité... / Laure Saint-Raymond / Tangente 133 (2010) p. 12
2011 / Ludwig Boltzmann A Pioneer in Atomic Theory / Barry R. Masters / Optics and Photonics News 22 (2011) p. 42 [lien]
2012 / George Hartley Bryan, Ludwig Boltzmann, and the Stability of Flight / T. James M. Boyd / Physics in Perspective 14 (2012) p. 4 [doi]