James Clerk Maxwell
1954 / Clerk Maxwell's corrections to the page proofs of “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” / Paul F. Cranefield / Annals of Science 10 (1954) p. 359 [doi]
1955 / A note on Maxwell's interpretation of some attempts at dynamical explanation / Joseph Turner / Annals of Science 11 (1955) p. 238 [doi]
1957 / Clerk Maxwell’s Apparatus for the Measurement of Surface Tension / I. B. Hopley / Annals of Science 13 (1957) p. 180 [doi]
1957 / Maxwell's work on electrical resistance I. The determination of the absolute unit of resistance / I.B. Hopley / Annals of Science 13 (1957) p. 265 [doi]
1958 / Maxwell's work on electrical resistance II. Proposals for the re-determination of the B.A. unit of 1863 / I.B. Hopley / Annals of Science 14 (1958) p. 197 [doi]
1959 / Maxwell's determination of the number of electrostatic units in one electromagnetic unit of electricity / I.B. Hopley / Annals of Science 15 (1959) p. 91 [doi]
1959 / Maxwell's work on electrical resistance III. Improvement on Mance's method for the measurement of battery resistance / I.B. Hopley / Annals of Science 15 (1959) p. 51 [doi]
1962 / The main concepts and ideas of fluid dynamics in their historical development / P. F. Neményi / Archive for history of exact sciences 2 (1962) p. 52 [doi]
1963 / J. Clerk Maxwell on the History of the Kinetic Theory of Gases, 1871 / Henry T. Bernstein / Isis 54 (1963) p. 206 [lien]
1966 / Maxwell and the Direct Experimental Test of His Electromagnetic Theory / Thomas K. Simpson / Isis 57 (1966) p. 411 [lien]
1967 / Maxwell and the Vector Potential / Alfred M. Bork / Isis 58 (1967) p. 210 [lien]
1967 / Maxwell's displacement current and his theory of light / Joan Bromberg / Archive for history of exact sciences 4 (1967) p. 218 [doi]
1969 / James Clerk Maxwell and Thermodynamics / Elizabeth Garber / American Journal of Physics 37 (1969) p. 146 [doi]
1969 / Maxwell, Osborne Reynolds, and the Radiometer / S. G. Brush ; C. W. F. Everitt / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 1 (1969) p. 105 [doi]
1969 / Model and Analogy in Victorian Science: Maxwell's Critique of the French Physicists / Robert Kargon / Journal of the History of Ideas 30 (1969) p. 423 [lien]
1970 / Clausius and Maxwell's Kinetic Theory of Gases / Elizabeth Wolfe Garber / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 2 (1970) p. 299 [doi]
1970 / Maxwell's attempts to arrive at non-speculative foundations for the kinetic theory / Jon Dorling / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 1 (1970) p. 229 [doi]
1970 / Some observations on Maxwell's treatise on electricity and magnetism: On the role of the ‘dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field’ in part IV of the treatise / Thomas K. Simpson / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 1 (1970) p. 249 [doi]
1971 / James Clerk Maxwell and the Kinetic Theory of Gases: A Review Based on Recent Historical Studies / Stephen G. Brush / American Journal of Physics 39 (1971) p. 631 [doi]
1971 / Maxwell and the Origins of Cybernetics / Otto Mayr / Isis 62 (1971) p. 425 [lien]
1971 / Maxwell, Hertz, and the Nature of Electricity / P. M. Heimann / Isis 62 (1971) p. 149 [lien]
1971 / Maxwell, Jenkin and Cotterill and the Theory of Statically-Indeterminate Structures / T. M. Charlton / Notes and Records 26 (1971) p. 233 [doi]
1973 / James Clerk Maxwell at Aberdeen, 1856-1860 / R. V. Jones / Notes and Records 28 (1973) p. 57 [doi]
1973 / Maxwell's methodology and his application of it to electromagnetism / A.F. Chalmers / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 4 (1973) p. 107 [doi]
1977 / Energy, dynamics, hidden machinery: Rankine, Thomson and Tait, Maxwell / Donald Franklin Moyer / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 8 (1977) p. 251 [doi]
1978 / Continuum mechanics and field theory: Thomson and Maxwell / Donald Franklin Moyer / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 9 (1978) p. 35 [doi]
1978 / The date of birth of James Clerk Maxwell / H. C. Bolton ; W. C. Price / Notes and Records 32 (1978) p. 213 [doi]
1979 / James Clerk Maxwell's inaugural lecture at King's College London / James C. Maxwell / American Journal of Physics 47 (1979) p. 928 [doi]
1980 / James Clerk Maxwell in London, 1860-1865 / C. Domb / Notes and Records 35 (1980) p. 67 [doi]
1981 / A Statistical Survey of Gases: Maxwell's Social Physics / Theodore M. Porter / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 12 (1981) p. 77 [doi]
1986 / Maxwell's Dimensional Approach to the Velocity of Light / S. D'Agostino / Centaurus 29 (1986) p. 178 [doi]
1986 / The heuristic role of Maxwell's mechanical model of electromagnetic phenomena / Alan F. Chalmers / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 17 (1986) p. 415 [doi]
1988 / Newton to Maxwell: The 'Principia' and British Physics / P. M. Harman / Notes and Records 42 (1988) p. 75 [doi]
1993 / [numéro spécial] / / Cahiers de Science et Vie 17 (1993) p. 0
1994 / Clausius and Maxwell: The statistics of molecular collisions (1857–1862) / Penha Maria Cardoso Dias / Annals of Science 51 (1994) p. 249 [doi]
1998 / Exorcist XIV: The Wrath of Maxwell’s Demon. Part I. From Maxwell to Szilard / John Earman ; John D. Norton / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 29 (1998) p. 435 [doi]
2001 / James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879); Member APS 1875 / Frederick Seitz / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 145 (2001) p. 1 [lien]
2001 / Maxwell, Mechanism, and the Nature of Electricity / Alan Chalmers / Physics in Perspective 3 (2001) p. 425 [doi]
2001 / On Understanding: Maxwell on the Methods of Illustration and Scientific Metaphor / Jordi Cat / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 32 (2001) p. 395 [doi]
2002 / Cautious revolutionaries: Maxwell, Planck, Hubble / Stephen G. Brush / American Journal of Physics 70 (2002) p. 119 [doi]
2002 / James Clerk Maxwell : une biographie en images / Perrine Vennetier / Cahiers de Science et Vie 67 (2002) p. 45
2004 / On the time reversal invariance of classical electromagnetic theory / David B. Malament / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 35 (2004) p. 295 [doi]
2006 / [numéro spécial] Maxwell : champs, particules et couleurs / / Les genies de la science (pour la Science) 24 (2006) p. 0
2011 / The uses of analogy: James Clerk Maxwell's ‘On Faraday's lines of force’ and early Victorian analogical argument / Kevin Lambert / The British Journal for the History of Science 44 (2011) p. 61 [doi]
2012 / By design: James Clerk Maxwell and the evangelical unification of science / Matthew Stanley / The British Journal for the History of Science 45 (2012) p. 57 [doi]
2012 / Maxwell’s contrived analogy: An early version of the methodology of modeling / Giora Hon ; Bernard R. Goldstein / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 43 (2012) p. 236 [doi]
2015 / Maxwell, Measurement, and the Modes of Electromagnetic Theory / Bruce J. Hunt / Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 45 (2015) p. 303 [doi]