unification des interactions
1980 / [Nobel Lecture] Conceptual foundations of the unified theory of weak and electromagnetic interactions / Steven Weinberg / Reviews of Modern Physics 52 (1980) p. 515 [doi]
1980 / [Nobel Lecture] Gauge unification of fundamental forces / Abdus Salam / Reviews of Modern Physics 52 (1980) p. 525 [doi]
1980 / [Nobel Lecture] Towards a unified theory: Threads in a tapestry / Sheldon Lee Glashow / Reviews of Modern Physics 52 (1980) p. 539 [doi]
1982 / Theory Selection in Particle Physics: A Quantitative Case Study of the Evolution of Weak-Electromagnetic Unification Theory / David Koester ; Daniel Sullivan ; D. Hywel White / Social Studies of Science 12 (1982) p. 73 [lien]
1983 / Gauge Theories and Their Unification / P. Ramond / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 33 (1983) p. 31 [doi]
1989 / The Unification of Electromagnetism with the Weak Force / Paul Langacker ; Alfred K. Mann / Physics Today 42 (1989) p. 22 [doi]
1991 / Unification of Couplings / Savas Dimopoulos ; Stuart A. Raby ; Frank Wilczek / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 25 [doi]
1992 / A study in theory unification: The case of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory / Margaret Morrison / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (1992) p. 103 [doi]
1997 / String theory and the path to unification: A review of recent developments / Keith R. Dienes / Physics Reports 287 (1997) p. 447 [doi]
1999 / String theory, supersymmetry, unification, and all that / John H. Schwarz ; Nathan Seiberg / Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999) p. 112 [doi]
2000 / Vers l'unification de la physique / Steven Weinberg / Pour la Science 267 (2000) p. 32 [lien]
2002 / Einstein and the Kaluza–Klein particle / Jeroen van Dongen / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 33 (2002) p. 185 [doi]
2008 / Peut-on (doit-on) tout unifier ? / / Élémentaire 6 (2008) p. 68 [lien]
2011 / L'insaisissable théorie unifiée / Stephen Hawking ; Leonard Mlodinow / Pour la Science 400 (2011) p. 65 [lien]
2011 / L'unification des forces / / Les Dossiers de La Recherche 43 (2011) p. 8
2011 / Une théorie géométrique du tout / Garrett Lisi ; James Weatherall / Pour la Science 400 (2011) p. 69 [lien]