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1971 / Applications of Superconductivity / John M. Goodkind / American Journal of Physics 39 (1971) p. 9 [doi]
1984 / Kamerlingh Onnes and the Discovery of Superconductivity: The Leyden Years, 1911-1914 / Per F. Dahl / Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 15 (1984) p. 1 [doi]
1984 / Some methodological and historical considerations in low temperature physics: The case of superconductivity 1911–57 / Kostas Gavroglu ; Yorgos Goudaroulis / Annals of Science 41 (1984) p. 135 [doi]
1984 / Superconducting Magnet Technology for Accelerators / R. Palmer ; A. V. Tollestrup / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 34 (1984) p. 247 [doi]
1985 / From the history of low temperature physics: Prejudicial attitudes that hindered the initial development of superconductivity theory / Kostas Gavroglu ; George Goudaroulis / Archive for history of exact sciences 32 (1985) p. 377 [doi]
1986 / Analog Superconducting Electronics / Paul L. Richards / Physics Today 39 (1986) p. 54 [doi]
1986 / High-Field Superconductivity / David Larbalestier ; Gene Fisk ; Bruce Montgomery ; David Hawksworth / Physics Today 39 (1986) p. 24 [doi]
1986 / Novel Types of Superconductivity in F-Electron Systems / M. Brian Maple / Physics Today 39 (1986) p. 72 [doi]
1986 / Superconductivity after World War I and Circumstances Surrounding the Discovery of a State B = 0 / Per F. Dahl / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 16 (1986) p. 1 [doi]
1986 / Superconductivity and Magnetism in Organic Metals / Paul M. Chaikin ; Richard L. Greene / Physics Today 39 (1986) p. 24 [doi]
1987 / The First Large-Scale Application of Superconductivity: The Fermilab Energy Doubler, 1972-1983 / Lillian Hoddeson / Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 18 (1987) p. 25 [doi]
1987 / The heuristic role of mathematics in the initial development of superconductivity theory / Theodore Christidis ; Yorgos Goudaroulis ; Maria Mikou / Archive for history of exact sciences 37 (1987) p. 183 [doi]
1989 / [Reference Frame] High-Temperature Superconductivity: Past, Present, and Future / Vitaly L. Ginzburg / Physics Today 42 (1989) p. 9 [doi]
1989 / [Search and Discovery] High-Temperature Supercurrents May Not Be Forever / Anil Khurana / Physics Today 42 (1989) p. 17 [doi]
1990 / Les plans de cuivre dans les supraconducteurs / Robert Cava / Pour la Science 156 (1990) p. 62
1990 / Superconductivity and Other Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena / John Bardeen / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 25 [doi]
1990 / [Search and Discovery] Do Oxide Superconductors Behave as Fermi Liquids? / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 20 [doi]
1990 / [Search and Discovery] Highest Tc Continues to Increase Among Organic Superconductors / Anil Khurana / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 17 [doi]
1990 / [Search and Discovery] STM Unravels the Vortex Core in Type II Superconductors / Anil Khurana / Physics Today 43 (1990) p. 17 [doi]
1991 / A Dialogue on the Theory of High Tc / Philip W. Anderson ; Robert Schrieffer / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 54 [doi]
1991 / Critical Currents and Magnet Applications of High-Tc Superconductors / David Larbalesrier / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 74 [doi]
1991 / Defects and Superconductivity in the Copper Oxides / James D. Jorgensen / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 34 [doi]
1991 / High-Tc Thin Film and Electronic Devices / Randy Simon / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 64 [doi]
1991 / High-Temperature Superconductivity / John Rowell / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 22 [doi]
1991 / Physical Properties of High-Tc Superconductors / Bertram Batlogg / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 44 [doi]
1991 / Synthesis of Oxide Superconductors / Arthur W. Sleight / Physics Today 44 (1991) p. 24 [doi]
1992 / John Bardeen and the Theory of Superconductivity / J. Robert Schrieffer / Physics Today 45 (1992) p. 46 [doi]
1992 / Les supraconducteurs à haute température / Nicole Bontemps ; Roland Combescot ; Philippe Monod / La Recherche 240 (1992) p. 180
1992 / Superconductivity in Doped Fullerenes / Arthur F. Hebard / Physics Today 45 (1992) p. 26 [doi]
1993 / La résistance des supraconducteurs / David Bishop ; Peter Gammel ; David Huse / Pour la Science 186 (1993) p. 58
1993 / Les films supraconducteurs / Michel Laguës / Pour la Science 194 (1993) p. 44
1993 / Superconductivity: From Physics to Technology / Theodore H. Geballe / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 52 [doi]
1993 / [Search and Discovery] Critical Temperature Nears 135 K in a Mercury-Based Superconductor / / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 20 [doi]
1993 / [Search and Discovery] In High-Tc Superconductors, is D-Wave the New Wave? / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 17 [doi]
1994 / Kamerlingh Onnes and the discovery of superconductivity / Paul H. E. Meijer / American Journal of Physics 62 (1994) p. 1105 [doi]
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1994 / [Search and Discovery] There's Still Some Resistance to Reports of Extra-High Tc Superconductors / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 47 (1994) p. 17 [doi]
1995 / [Search and Discovery] Applications of High-Temperature Superconductors Approach the Marketplace / Gloria B. Lubkin / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 20 [doi]
1995 / [Search and Discovery] STM Gets to the Core of the Matter in a High-Tc Superconductor / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 48 (1995) p. 19 [doi]
1996 / La supraconduction à haute température / John Kirtley ; Chang Tsuei / Pour la Science 228 (1996) p. 74
1996 / The Discovery of Superconductivity / Jacobus De Nobel ; Peter Lindenfeld / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 40 [doi]
1996 / [Search and Discovery] Evidence Accumulates for Unusual Behavior in Underdoped High-Tc Superconductors / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 17 [doi]
1996 / [Search and Discovery] Experiments Probe the Wavefunction of Electron Pairs in High-Tc Superconductors / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 19 [doi]
1997 / Kamerlingh Onnes découvre la supraconduction / Rudolf de Bruyn Ouboter / Pour la Science 235 (1997) p. 84
1997 / Superconductivity and localization / Michael V Sadovskii / Physics Reports 282 (1997) p. 225 [doi]
1997 / Superconductivity and structures: revisiting the London account / Steven French ; James Ladyman / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 28 (1997) p. 363 [doi]
1997 / Vortex Physics in High-Temperature Superconductors / George W. Crabtree ; David R. Nelson / Physics Today 50 (1997) p. 38 [doi]
1997 / [Search and Discovery] Tunneling Experiments in High-Tc Superconductors Resolve a Puzzle / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 50 (1997) p. 19 [doi]
1998 / New Magnetic Superconductors: A Toy Box for Solid-State Physicists / Paul C. Canfield ; Peter L. Gammel ; David J. Bishop / Physics Today 51 (1998) p. 40 [doi]
1998 / [Search and Discovery] Are Stripes a Universal Feature of High-Tc Superconductors? / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 51 (1998) p. 19 [doi]
1999 / Superconductivity / J. R. Schrieffer ; M. Tinkham / Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999) p. 313 [doi]
2000 / Richard Feynman and the History of Superconductivity / David Goodstein ; Judith Goodstein / Physics in Perspective 2 (2000) p. 30 [doi]
2000 / [Search and Discovery] Learning about High-Tc Superconductors from Their Imperfections / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 53 (2000) p. 17 [doi]
2001 / De l'ordre dans les supraconducteurs / Xavier Grison ; Takis Kontos ; Marco Aprili ; Jérôme Lesueur / La Recherche 338 (2001) p. 44
2001 / The Intriguing Superconductivity of Strontium Ruthenate / Yoshiteru Maeno ; T. Maurice Rice ; Manfred Sigrist / Physics Today 54 (2001) p. 42 [doi]
2001 / [Search and Discovery] Buckyball Crystals Made to Superconduct at 117 K / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 54 (2001) p. 19 [doi]
2001 / [Search and Discovery] New Conventional Superconductor Found with a Surprisingly High Tc / Charles Day / Physics Today 54 (2001) p. 17 [doi]
2002 / [Search and Discovery] Magnetism and Superconductivity Fight for Control in High-Tc Superconductors / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 55 (2002) p. 14 [doi]
2002 / [Search and Discovery] Two Realization Schemes Raise Hopes for Superconducting Quantum Bits / Richard Fitzgerald / Physics Today 55 (2002) p. 14 [doi]
2003 / Magnesium Diboride: Better Late Than Never / Paul C. Canfield ; George W. Crabtree / Physics Today 56 (2003) p. 34 [doi]
2003 / [Search and Discovery] Nobel Prize in Physics Honors Theoretical Work on Superconductivity and Superfluidity / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 56 (2003) p. 21 [doi]
2004 / [Nobel Lecture] On superconductivity and superfluidity (what I have and have not managed to do) as well as on the “physical minimum” at the beginning of the XXI century / Vitaly L. Ginzburg / Reviews of Modern Physics 76 (2004) p. 981 [doi]
2004 / [Nobel Lecture] Type-II superconductors and the vortex lattice / A. A. Abrikosov / Reviews of Modern Physics 76 (2004) p. 975 [doi]
2005 / Superconducting Circuits and Quantum Information / J. Q. You ; Franco Nori / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 42 [doi]
2007 / Einstein and the Early Theory of Superconductivity, 1919–1922 / Tilman Sauer / Archive for history of exact sciences 61 (2007) p. 159 [doi]
2007 / [Search and Discovery] New Experiments Fuel Debate Over the Nature of High-Tc / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 60 (2007) p. 17 [doi]
2008 / Color superconductivity in dense quark matter / Mark G. Alford ; Andreas Schmitt ; Krishna Rajagopal ; Thomas Schäfer / Reviews of Modern Physics 80 (2008) p. 1455 [doi]
2008 / Superconductivity in one dimension / K.Yu. Arutyunov ; D.S. Golubev ; A.D. Zaikin / Physics Reports 464 (2008) p. 1 [doi]
2008 / [Resource Letter] Scy-3: Superconductivity / N. P. Butch ; M. C. de Andrade ; M. B. Maple / American Journal of Physics 76 (2008) p. 106 [doi]
2008 / [Search and Discovery] New family of quaternary iron-based compounds superconducts at tens of kelvin / Charles Day / Physics Today 61 (2008) p. 11 [doi]
2009 / Iron-based superconductors / Charles Day / Physics Today 62 (2009) p. 36 [doi]
2009 / [Search and Discovery] Superconducting qubit systems come of age / Barbara Goss Levi / Physics Today 62 (2009) p. 14 [doi]
2010 / The discovery of superconductivity / Dirk van Delft ; Peter Kes / Physics Today 63 (2010) p. 38 [doi]
2011 / La supraconductivité à l'ère industrielle / Pascal Tixador ; Philippe Lebrun / Pour la Science 402 (2011) p. 76 [lien]
2011 / Une supraconductivité magnétique ? / Julien Bobroff / La Recherche 456 (2011) p. 56
2011 / [Idées de physique] Le cerveau ausculté avec des supraconducteurs / Jean-Michel Courty ; Édouard Kierlik / Pour la Science 401 (2011) p. 90 [lien]
2011 / [Search and Discovery] Short-range spin waves may underlie high-temperature superconductivity / Johanna L. Miller / Physics Today 64 (2011) p. 13 [doi]
2011 / [Search and Discovery] Superconducting rings show hints of half-quantum vortices / Johanna L. Miller / Physics Today 64 (2011) p. 17 [doi]
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2013 / Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1913: The Highest Honor for the Lowest Temperatures / Simón Reif-Acherman / Physics in Perspective 15 (2013) p. 415 [doi]