simulation numérique

1975 / Computer Simulations of Stellar Systems / Sverre J. Aarseth ; Myron Lecar / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 13 (1975) p. 1 [doi]
1983 / Particle simulation of plasmas / John M. Dawson / Reviews of Modern Physics 55 (1983) p. 403 [doi]
1987 / Computer Modeling in Physical Oceanography from the Global Circulation to Turbulence / William R. Holland ; James C. McWilliams / Physics Today 40 (1987) p. 51 [doi]
1987 / Computer Simulations of Nuclear Dynamics / D. H. Boal / Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 37 (1987) p. 1 [doi]
1987 / The Art of N-Body Building / J. A. Sellwood / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 25 (1987) p. 151 [doi]
1990 / La soufflerie numérique / Jean Carpentier / La Recherche 219 (1990) p. 274
1992 / [Créations informatiques] Nombres aléatoires et simulation / Robin Jones / Pour la Science 176 (1992) p. 104
1993 / Computer Models of Colliding Galaxies / Joshua E. Barnes ; Lars E. Hernquist / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 54 [doi]
1993 / High-Performance Computing and Plasma Physics / John M. Dawson ; Viktor Decyk ; Richard Sydora ; Paulett Liewer / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 64 [doi]
1993 / Modeling Oceanic and Atmospheric Vortices / David G. Dritschel ; Bernard Legras / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 44 [doi]
1993 / Nodes, Modes and Flow Codes / George Em Karniadakis ; Steven A. Orszag / Physics Today 46 (1993) p. 34 [doi]
1996 / Probing Cosmic Mysteries by Supercomputer / Michael L. Norman / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 42 [doi]
1996 / Quarks et simulation numérique / Donald Weingarten / Pour la Science 222 (1996) p. 92
1996 / [Resource Letter] CP-1: Computational Physics / Paul L. DeVries / American Journal of Physics 64 (1996) p. 364 [doi]
1996 / [numéro spécial] 50 Years of Computers and Physicists / / Physics Today 49 (1996) p. 0 [lien]
1997 / L'informatique au secours des mathématiques / Claude Reyraud / Cahiers de Science et Vie 39 (1997) p. 94
1997 / Simulations of supercollider physics / K.D Lane ; F.E Paige ; T Skwarnicki ; W.J Womersley / Physics Reports 278 (1997) p. 291 [doi]
1998 / Simulations of structure formation in the universe / Edmund Bertschinger / Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 36 (1998) p. 599 [doi]
1999 / Microscopic simulations in physics / D. M. Ceperley / Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (1999) p. 438 [doi]
1999 / [Reference Frame] Computing in Physics: Are We Taking It Too Seriously? or Not Seriously Enough? / James Langer / Physics Today 52 (1999) p. 11 [doi]
2000 / Modelling the nano-scale phenomena in condensed matter physics via computer-based numerical simulations / H. Rafii-Tabar / Physics Reports 325 (2000) p. 239 [doi]
2002 / Les matériaux virtuels / Pablo Jensen ; Xavier Blase / La Recherche 352 (2002) p. 40
2002 / Recherche et simulation / / Clefs CEA 47 (2002) p. 0 [doi]
2002 / The speed of sound in a hard disk gas: A computer simulation / F. L. Román ; A. González ; J. A. White ; S. Velasco / American Journal of Physics 70 (2002) p. 847 [doi]
2003 / Ballet de galaxies / Felix Stoehr ; Simon White / Dossier Pour la Science 34 (2003) p. 66
2004 / Computer simulations, exact trajectories, and the gravitational N-body problem / Wayne Hayes / American Journal of Physics 72 (2004) p. 1251 [doi]
2004 / Les « dix commandements » de la simulation numérique en sciences physiques illustrés par l'étude des points de Lagrange / Michel Renard ; Luc Dettwiller / Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens 868 (2004) p. 87 [lien]
2004 / [Bac to basics] La simulation numérique / Jean-Michel Ghidaglia ; Benoît Rittaud / La Recherche 380 (2004) p. 73
2004 / [Reference Frame] Computational Scenarios / Leo P. Kadanoff / Physics Today 57 (2004) p. 10 [doi]
2005 / Integrated Simulation of Fusion Plasmas / Donald B. Batchelor / Physics Today 58 (2005) p. 35 [doi]
2005 / Universe creation on a computer / Gordon McCabe / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B 36 (2005) p. 591 [doi]
2006 / Computer Modeling the Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Climate / Warren M. Washington / Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 150 (2006) p. 414 [lien]
2007 / L'Univers dans un ordinateur / Romain Teyssier ; Christophe Pichon / Dossier Pour la Science 56 (2007) p. 108
2007 / [Dossier] Laser mégajoule, supercalculateurs... l'Univers en laboratoire / Julien Bourdet / Ciel et Espace 441 (2007) p. 38
2008 / [Resource Letter] CP-2: Computational Physics / Rubin H. Landau / American Journal of Physics 76 (2008) p. 296 [doi]
2010 / Understanding and misunderstanding computer simulation: The case of atmospheric and climate science—An introduction / Matthias Heymann / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (2010) p. 193 [doi]
2011 / The first stars, as seen by supercomputers / Tom Abel / Physics Today 64 (2011) p. 51 [doi]
2011 / What do numerical (climate) models really represent? / Gabriele Gramelsberger / Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (2011) p. 296 [doi]
2012 / Tout l'Univers dans un ordinateur / Stéphane Fay / Ciel et Espace 507 (2012) p. 56
2013 / Simuler le champ magnétique du Soleil / Sacha Brun / La Recherche 472 (2013) p. 60